Jordan River

 Eagles train their young in unusual ways to make them strong. When an eagle carries its young on its back, they climb high into the sky and drop the young. The young then, will try to fly with all its might, but their wings are weak, so they gradually fall. Just as they are about to fall in between the valleys, the mother eagle descends and catches and carries the young climbing high into the sky. The mother eagles repeat the process dozens of times. In doing so, the eagles will reign as the king of birds.

In decisive moments that come to God’s children, rest assured that the will of God is always hidden. The splitting of the Jordan River was a newsworthy event. Those who didn’t know God heard and the Israelites who complained; worried; and focused on their scars from slavery and their discomfort of living in the wilderness saw that event themselves. Even the people who lived in Canaan, where the Israelites were going to enter, heard the news and were melting in fear. Those who directly crossed the Jordan River shared their unforgettable shock and emotions with their children and the posterity.

God commanded the Israelites to cross the Jordan during the rainy season. The Israelites could’ve used their own strength to walk or swim across the low- level part of the river. However, there was a reason why God made it difficult even though there was an easier way. He wanted them to look only at Him without relying on their own thoughts, efforts, and strength. God wanted them to confirm and confess that without His guidance and protection, they wouldn’t be able to live even for a moment. A crisis may seem dangerous, but it’s also an opportunity. You are people of God, who can win only through Jesus!! I pray for you and I love you. 12/11/2021
