Holy Trinity
Church history has come a long way with a history of 2,000 years. The eyes to see what's necessary, damaged, unoriginal, established, eternal, and corrupted in the church should be opened.
The Jewish people transformed the Gospel into a national thought, Messianic thought, and an ideology of the law. The early church caused an issue with Peter's entry into the house of the Gentiles. The authority of the Roman church dominated the world, the medieval church emphasized politics and false doctrine, and the modern church gave into material things. These mistakes must not be repeated. A new start with the true Gospel and its code that will never change must take place.
By enjoying the Word now, the Triune God works; the works of the throne and the transcendence of time and space arise; and the works of the light in the 237 nations emerge. As a result, you’ll enjoy the background of the throne.
When you enjoy this Word in everything you do, you’ll be able to discern Satan’s works toward the age. Moreover, you’ll edit the 100-year answer that enters God’s absolute journey that He will fulfill.
The Bible witnesses, including the 7 Remnants (Joseph, Moses, Samuel, David, Elisha, Isaiah, and Paul) took the edited Word and received the best answers even in the midst of bad situations.
Instead of resenting conflicts that were unseen, they used them as opportunities for renewal and they received real answers and lived the lives of witnesses.
In the midst of conflicts that were caused by those who had tormented them. Instead of being swayed by countless words of unbelief, they just held onto the covenant and focused on God, worship and life, leaving behind a beautiful masterpieces.
You are the people of God, who will challenge and conquer this age given with the power of the Gospel!! I pray for you and I love you. 12/17/21
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