Spiritual Ambassador
In 1893, MB Williams (Milan Bertrand Williams) was going to preach about the value of the bible. Charles Davis Tillman, was the praise leader, and they held a meeting in Boston with 6,000 people. Tillman said, “Pastor, if you write down some lyrics about the Bible, I will compose it accordingly.” Pastor Williams completed the hymn in 15 minutes while holding the bible his mother had handed down to him. He was reminiscent of when his mother told him stories of the bible as a child. Tillman also composed the song on the spot as well. It became a beautiful hymn that made all people sing this confession in tears.
There's a dear and pre-cious Book, tho' it's worn and fad-ed now, which re-calls those hap-py days so long a-go, when I stood at mother's knee, with her hand up-on my brow, and I heard her voice in gen-tle tones and low.
Then she read of Je-sus' love, as He blest the child-ren dear, how He suf-fered, bled and died up-on the tree, of His heav-y load of care, then she dried my flow-ing tears with her kiss-es as she said it was for me.
Bless-ed Book pre-cious Book, on thy dear old tear-stained leaves I love to look, thou art sweet-er day by day, as I walk the nar-row way, that leads at last to that bright home a-bove.
It's important to plant spirituality during childhood and make spiritual summit doctors and ambassadors who heal the future.
It’s very important to grow into a person of prayer who saves both body and soul. Also, you must revive your body through deep foods, deep breathing, and deep exercise. Samuel, who possessed these secrets since he was young, healed the age as a spiritual doctor.
To make God's things your own, you must see the Bible through the eyes of the Gospel. At the same time, you can see the works that God has done for the Remnants. Through worship, you can gain answers to your problems and enter the answers of “only,” “uniqueness,” and “re- creation.” Armed with the mystery of the Gospel, the members of Early Church received the answers of the blessing of the throne, transcending time and space, and moving the 237 nations. You are people of God, standing in the ranks of this blessing!! I pray for you and, I love you. 12/06/21.
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