Covenant of World Evangelization
D.L Moody described Moses in this way: “Moses spent forty years thinking he was somebody [something]; forty years learning he was nobody [nothing]; and forty years discovering what God can do with a nobody [everything].”
When you discover the true covenant in Christ and the value of life, you will experience going from nothing to everything. At this point in time, you will be able to take on the commission of a true Nazarite.
Through you who have become a Spiritual Summit who possesses the complete Gospel, God will break down darkness. Even for Abraham, who constantly thought about the necessities of life, amazing works began from the moment he became instilled with the complete Gospel, David confessed, “The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want.” Even in the face of death, Daniel enjoyed the complete Gospel and confessed, “It doesn’t matter if I die.” They enjoyed the complete Gospel and saved the world.
The reason why God calls you “Nothing” is to give you important evidences. You are not alone. You’re within the blessing of “God with you.” If you enjoy Immanuel, “God with you,” in all your meetings, you’ll gain the blessing of “Oneness” and discover His hidden plan and answers in all things.
You are people of God, who will hold to the covenant of world evangelization and save all people with contents of healing!! I pray for you and, I love you. 2/26/2022
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