God’s Love
When I visit a random patient at the hospital they are surprised and ask, "Is there something wrong? Am I going to die tomorrow? Why did a pastor come?” When sick people are having a hard time figuring out what happened, don't deal with them in haste. Wait patiently and let them experience God’s love and grace. Try and help open their hearts to receive Jesus. It's possible because you are doctors of the soul.
You must enter into the covenant to overcome Nephilim, which is full of darkness. If you receive the guidance of being filled with the Holy Spirit 24 hours a day, you will be able to break down the power of darkness. You will possess the power of the Triune God with the blessing of the throne and the power that transcends space and time.
At this time, an important answer will follow. Through prayer and the Word, you can correctly see yourself and fully see the present reality as the covenant. If you look at yourself within the background of the Gospel and the throne and see the present reality, you can properly interpret events.
When you believe in the important covenant, the background of the throne; the works that transcend time and space; and the answer to heal the age will begin. Through Samuel, the disasters of the age caused by Philistia were resolved. Through David, the crisis of war and the fight against Goliath, who was full of the Nephilim, were quickly overcome. Through Obadiah, who risked his life and hid 100 prophets, the answer to heal the age arose.
When you edit God’s Word, the answers to heal the future will begin when you do “24” and you can create beautiful works of life. You are people of God, who have the word of the covenant to save the world!! I pray for you and I love you. 1/31/2022
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