Life Masterpiece
Heather Whitestone was the first hearing impaired person to win Miss America. She became deaf when she was one as a result of a side effect of a diphtheria shot. She overcame her hardships and rose to the title of Miss America. 'Miss America' is not just about having a pretty body or face, which are external, but an internal beauty, dignity, culture and talent are necessary to be applied for fair competition.
It was such a shock to see that she has defeated her fellow competitors and make it to the top. Reporters asked, “Did not the condition of your disability dampen your motivation?” She replied, “Everything was an opportunity for me. The worst obstacle is to be pessimistic towards the world. The most common words I heard from my mother over the past 21 years were, "God loves you and is always with you."
You must find the one and only way of the gospel in all the adverse conditions of the environment you face.
The contact-free age has opened in earnest due to COVID-19. Regardless of field, lectures and classes are being conducted in contact-free methods. Face-to-face interactions are becoming less and less due to the use of media applications. Lack of strength to overcome weaknesses associated with the mind, such as inner anxieties, depressed moods; and loneliness are becoming more apparent.
The Remnants of the Bible each made life masterpieces and confessed that God was with them. Joseph stood before Pharaoh and said that he couldn't interpret Pharaoh's dreams; instead, he said,” God will give Pharaoh a favorable answer.
To enjoy God who saved you and is with now, (WITH) to believe that God has a plan for everyone whom you meet today (Immanuel) and to have God’s Kingdom come upon you in everything that happens to you and in the field (Oneness) is a life that leaves behind a masterpiece.
You are people of God, in this covenant!!
I pray for you, and I love you. 1/28/2022
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