Natural Blessing
John Newton's mother passed away when he was 6 and so he followed his father who was a slave trader. He lived a rough and wayward life. He treated slaves as animals and had no conscience. Without feeling remorse, he became the captain of a slave ship. When Newton was 22, he was sailing with slaves and encountered a severe storm. He ended up ashore, and was faced with a life and death situation. For the first time he sincerely prayed, and he began his second life.
At the age of 30, he entered a seminary and became an Anglican pastor in England. He deeply repented of his miserable past and was moved by the grace that forgave his filthy sins. Therefore he wrote the the hymn, "Amazing Grace." This song, which praises a person's repentance and the thrill of salvation, is still called a confession of faith to this day.
Most people complain of difficulties, and in many cases, they end up resenting and giving up. On the other hand, Moses; Joshua; and Caleb, all of whom had no background, easily overcame difficult paths and praised God because they completely placed themselves within the power of the Gospel. Like Moses, who praised and spread the name of the Lord in gratitude for salvation that was restored after 400 years, you must praise God every day.
Even now, God is making boundaries around the world that are centered on the Gospel movement and is protecting you like “the apple of His eye” even in wastelands. The greatest answer is to praise the Lord God who is always with you through His Word. God has called you “Jeshurun.” This name means “the perfect and righteous one, the one whom God loves dearly.”
It’s a rightful mission and blessing to praise and confess your gratitude to God, who has given you a special status to save the world. You are main figures like Moses, who praised God and blessed the people in a difficult environment.
You are people of God, who have received this important covenant!! I pray for you and I love you. 1/21/2022
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