Eternal Answer

 During the time of segregation, worship services in South Africa, had severe racism. An African church named, Holy Church of Zion was holding a foot washing ceremony, and Chief Justice Olivier, a white man, visited. And he knelt in front of a black woman named Martha Fortuin and washed her feet with the most humble heart. It was hard to even imagine at the time that for a white chief justice to wash the feet of a black woman.

Olivier who finished washing Fortuin's feet said, "Everyone, the grace of the Lord who saved a sinner like me is amazing. I was moved by that grace. This is a woman who works in my house. She washed the feet of my children for many years. It was always painful to see. I did this because I wanted wash her feet in return as a gesture thanksgiving.”

Olivier was fired as the Chief Justice because of his actions that day. However, he said, “Now I have truly become a free Christian capable of praising God.”

Isn't it possible for a person with a mission, like Olivier, be a true leader, regardless of his or her status or people's opinions?

Joseph's hard work didn't make him good at interpreting dreams. God made it known to Joseph, and with God-given wisdom, he helped the cabinet minister and Pharaoh. God didn’t bring Israel out of Egypt through Moses because Moses had excellent leadership and was eloquent. God makes you realize that the Gospel is the most important in life and gives you the answer to save others, nations, and the age that are emotionally diseased and spiritually perishing.

If people don’t meet God, nothing can resolve the underlying anxiety and emptiness in their hearts. Rather than giving good influence to the church, the atmosphere of rejecting the Word in church becomes more prevalent. There’s only one way to escape from being a spiritual orphan. You must daily enjoy the eternal answer of Jesus Christ.

You are people of God who have a covenant that will surpass any position and human gaze!!! I pray for you, and I love you. 2/17/2022
