Image of God

 There is a common aspect of believers who fail in their walk of faith.

They think, If I had been patient; if I had done a little better then; if I had succeeded in worship; if I had worked hard in prayer; if I had preached the gospel, and so on.

If the time of regret back then was the present time, and the you today becomes the future self, you would simply just remain in the same snare, never to escape.

The past cannot be changed, however, the future can. The time to search for the future is to find yourself right now.


The saved children of God must hold on to the covenant and go to the field with the right answer, answer, answer, and conclusion, and gain strength. The Holy Spirit who worked in the early church promised to work today.

If you set worship here and now as the top priority in your life and enjoy the blessings of worship, you will have great strength to win in the field.

In the midst of the worst reality, found the throne; the transcendence of time and space; and the answer of the light that connects with the 237 nations. They received the blessing of one hundred years and a thousand years in advance and even saw things that adults couldn't see. Although they were taken as prisoners or slaves, they saw what the summits of that country could not see, and relayed the answers that they could not find. This is the blessing of those who possess God’s image.

You can find your life by following the “you whom God made,” “your God-given things,” and “your God- given field.” God prepares a perfect answer for you and makes it into a channel of blessings to block disasters. This is the evangelist’s life. All the witnesses of the Bible walked the journey of life to block disasters.

On the witness’ path, if you can find something to go “all in,” your specialization to go “all out” will emerge. From that point on, you’ll receive the blessing of “all change” regarding your family, church, and the future generations. You too, will be used by God as witnesses of the Bible.

You are people of God, who have been called by this covenant!! I pray for you and I love you. 2/24/2022
