People of Faith
People of faith who changed history had something in common. It is that they risked their lives and everything for the small task God entrusted to them and fulfilled His mission. Such a life leaves behind the footprints of faith in the history of the church and the world. It also becomes the milestone for future generations to follow.
God has called you as scattered people and has prepared the remaining disciples in the field. It's because you are the one who knows the mystery of salvation. You also are aware and enjoy of the contents of salvation. There are surely souls in the world God has prepared for salvation. There are too many people who have been saved but have lost the mystery of the Gospel not knowing its assurance.
Many people aren’t satisfied with what they have and long for something new. They try to fill their empty hearts and souls that have come after being separated from God with their own desires, and
resolve them with material wealth, people's approval, and success. Anxiety and fear of the heart, deep- rooted emptiness and depression, sleep paralysis, and insomnia are symptoms that surface from being fundamentally separated from God.
However, all human problems are solved by meeting God. People must meet God to truly be at peace, and only Jesus Christ alone can save all people.
Don’t have unbelief regarding all the events and meetings that happen to you; instead, use them as opportunities to solely look toward God. They may seem like big problems and you might feel as if you’re suffering, but God is guiding you through His plan. Because He’s with you through His mighty hand, the throne of His Kingdom becomes your background. In doing so, you can bring God’s power that transcends time and space to where you are and enjoy it.
You are people of God, who will hold this covenant and change all fields!! I pray for you, and I love you. 2/03/2022
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