Child of God

 D.L. Moody said there are three types of faith in Jesus Christ.

The first is struggling faith, like a man in deep water desperately swimming. The second is clinging faith, like a man hanging to the side of a boat. The third is resting faith, like a man safely within the boat (and able to reach out with a hand to help someone else get in).


God’s children must overwhelm the world spiritually. So, spiritual strength is the first essential that you need. You must have a spiritual system that is constantly supplied with this power.

Even now, God is accomplishing the works of His Kingdom and is working transcend the power of the throne. He sends angels who transcend time and space and fulfill His Word.

As the light of life shines wherever the God’s children go, the forces of darkness lose their strength. These spiritual facts are the background and authority of God’s children.

God’s children are called as those who remained, pilgrims, and those who will conquer the forces of darkness. Because God has called you, He will take full responsibility and meticulously lead you until the end.

You have a mission that God has solely given to you. If you possess the content of the Gospel that penetrates your life through “only Jesus Christ,” then you already have the only answer.

With the wisdom of God who has the power of creation, you’ll enjoy the answer of “re-creation” in everything that you do. In addition, you’ll be used to save the age and find and raise the posterity. 

You are people of God, who will win by building this system in your field!!! I pray for you and, I love you. 3/30/2022
