Filled with the Holy Spirit

 Jesus walked on water and said, “Peace, be still.” (Mark 4:39) The sea recognized the Lord. Water turned into wine. (John 2:9) The water understood that water is the Lord's command from the Creator. Jesus cursed the fig tree. (Mark 11:21) The fig tree understood that the Lord was the Creator's command. The stones will cry out. (Luke 19:40)

“Lazarus come forth.” (John 11:43) The corpse that smelled knew the voice of the Lord was the Creator God.

Why don't you fully understand? The disciples, who were in fear of the storm thought that Jesus was a ghost while walking on the sea. It's very important for your soul to be filled with the Holy Spirit. By grabbing hold of the living and active Word and by enjoying your new background, you’ll gain the power to transcend. In addition, God has prepared unprecedented and never-repeated answers for you.

When a large or small problem comes, an unprecedented and never-repeated answer will begin. The members of the Early Church found unprecedented and never-repeated answers in the most difficult situations. Moreover, when incidents arose, they discovered unprecedented and never- repeated answers as well. Stephen’s tribulation became the start of unprecedented and never-repeated answers for a few. If you uncover this answer, help from others and the environment no longer matter.

In the fields of slavery and prison, Joseph found his unprecedented and never-repeated answers. In all the fields where God is with you, they are the best places to enjoy unprecedented and never-repeated answers. For the poor and elderly Moses and for Samuel and David who were in the nation’s greatest crisis, those fields became the greatest fields to enjoy unprecedented and never-repeated answers. You are people of God, who will radiate the light of the gospel and will tell its works!! I pray for you, and I love you. 3/05/2022
