The Only Being
Karl Menninger, an American doctor and psychiatrist had mentioned, the biggest problem of modern people is that they are deceived by Satan. Satan demeans human dignity and ignores God-given possibilities and creativity. The ability of the human brain is so powerful that it can memorize the Encyclopedia. It's a pity that only 10% of the human brain can used for the possibility of being fluent in many foreign languages due to a sense of inferiority, guilt, or negative consciousness structure.
The spiritual status of being a child of God doesn’t change, but in reality, you’re faced with various situations. If you know God's time schedule, you won’t be embarrassed or discouraged in any situation. Because you don’t know God's plan, if things don't go your way, you become discouraged and easily fall. However, when you concentrate on what God wants the most, your priorities in life and the way you look completely change. Limited concentration isn’t doing a lot; instead, its focusing on what God absolutely needs.
You are a unique and precious being that doesn’t need to compared with anyone else. As a result, there’s a field; God’s Word; and mission prepared especially for you. Your family, family line, church, and the town where you live are those fields. Concentrating on these fields where you are and looking for God's plan is the selective concentration that God desires.
Those who have seen God's absolute plan can see His time schedule even in difficult situations. Whenever you enjoy the Gospel and the mystery of prayer, God will make you realize what’s important and will grant you the grace to focus on it. You are people of God, who have been called by this covenant!! I pray for you, and I love you. 3/28/2022
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