Holy Trinity
When St. Francis was in the monastery, people who wanted to become monks came to him. At that time, he was planting cabbage seedlings in the field, and he asked these people, “Do you want to become a monk? Then plant the cabbage upside down here.” He said and went away. He said to plant the roots into the sky and the stems into the ground.
One person planted the cabbage straight up saying it doesn't make sense, and the other person planted it upside down just as St. Francis commanded. As a result, the one who planted cabbage right side up was returned home. However, the one who planted the cabbage upside down entered the monastery.
What St. Francis wanted was not a farmer. He needed a farmer, but wanted someone who obeys rather than someone who can calculte what is rational or unreasonable.
Because the Word is eternal, the most important aspect seen by God is leaving behind the Word and relaying it. Although the most important act that you can do is to give worship, in the end, it's crucial to hold onto the accurate Word. The blessing of transcending time and space and shining the light must come upon your work, businesses and your fields through the power of the throne of the Triune God.
You can be comforted solely through the Word. God's Word paves the way, fills the valley, and makes it level. The Word is beautiful news and those "who hope for the Lord shall renew their strength" like the ascent of an eagle.
"Jacob, Israel!" God called him both names before it was changed when he prayed at the Jabbok River. God tells you to take hold of, to see, and know the evidences that you've heard.
Do not be bound by your thoughts, methods, or theories. You are people of God, who will win because you waited for the Lord!! I pray for you and I love you.
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