In The Covenant

 There is the saying, “The more you give, the more you receive.”

Car king Henry Ford was very rich. People who claim to be wealthy are prone to antagonism and gossip to the general public, but Henry Ford was an exception. He always had the idea that money should be given and spent at every opportunity. He gave people joy by creating more jobs and earning more money. During his time, when steel workers were paid $1 for working 12 hours, Henry paid $5 for working 8 hours. Businessmen must receive the blessings of the throne of heaven. This is the first blessing.

Satan uses Genesis 3, 6, and 11 to destroy people. That's why Acts 1:1,(Christ) 1:3,(God's Kingdom) and 1:8.(only Holy Spirit) are the only answers that represent the core of the Bible.

These answers existed in the Bible from the beginning, from eternity to eternity, and continue even now. For Abraham who knew this, the life of building an altar began.

God's absolute plan will be seen; the absolute covenant that has been seen and has come out from the absolute plan will be held; you'll walk on the absolute journey; and the absolute goal will be fulfilled.

Noah had seen this. By holding onto this covenant, Abraham built an altar and received answers. Moreover, on Mt. Moriah, Isaac held onto this as his sure covenant. At first, Jacob didn't understand; however, at the Jabbok River, he finally realized.

Elder Jethro and Rahab saw this and surely held onto it as their covenant. Likewise, for Joshua and Caleb who saw also this fact, the Wall of Jericho; the joint forces of the Amorites, and the Anak hill country became opportunities. Daniel and his three friends who had realized this resolved. Furthermore, knowing that he would die, Daniel still gave thanksgiving and prayed. Those who had the covenant and enjoyed the blessing of the throne gathered at Mark's upper room. Through them, the answers upon their businesses for world evangelization took place.

You are people of God, who will save the age and future generations by receiving the blessings in your businesses because of the covenant like these people!! I pray for you and I love you. 6/10/2022
