The One who Knew And Enjoyed Ahead

 Goethe, a German philosopher said, “Whatever you can do or dream you can, begin it; Boldness has genius, power, and magic in it.” It tells you that there are infinite possibilities in a new start with dreams. Those who have changed the world are those who have already enjoyed it. You must enjoy the blessings God has given you in your work, academics, occupations, and all fields.

The gospel you own should become a platform that everyone can use. The gospel should make a work of illuminating the light like a watchman's tower that saves many people. Also, the gospel you possess must serve as a spiritual antenna for spiritual communication with everyone.

Paul and his team met Lydia. Although Paul relayed the Word, it was the Lord who opened Lydia's heart. This became the Church at Philippi. Moreover, disasters that doctors; politicians; and science couldn't resolve were accomplished in the name of Christ.

Before meeting Paul, Priscilla and Aquila had already received the Gospel. Theirs was a meeting that God allowed inside the absolute time schedule. Through this encounter, Paul's lifelong missions' ministry took place. Similarly; if you know prayer, these kinds of meetings will take place. Therefore, Remnants must turn all their morning thoughts and everything that they see in the afternoon into prayer, and at night.

Rome evangelization was enjoyed in advance. “I must see Rome” (Acts 19:21), “I must testify in Rome” (Acts 23:11), “I must stand before Caesar” (Acts 27:24) you want to build. You are people of God, who will be used in the history of the gospel as you disciple professional church leaders and your businesses!! I pray for you and, I love you. 6/11/202
